Monday 23 April 2012


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Help For Psoriasis Sufferers Comes In Many Forms

Psoriasis is a non-contagious inflammatory skin condition that millions of people deal with each and every day. There are various types of psoriasis with symptoms ranging from mild skin irritation to extreme pain, itchiness and discomfort.

If you suspect you might have psoriasis, it's important get professional advice right away. Once you've been diagnosed you'll have some choices to make regarding your treatment plan.

Most doctors recommend drug-based treatments, but you should be aware that there are other options. While prescription medications may be needed in certain cases, they do come with their share of side effects. Some of these can be quite serious too. That's why it's necessary to educate yourself on the many natural methods available to you so you can have better discussions with your physician.

Unless you're part of a small handful of psoriasis sufferers whose condition is so severe that traditional medical treatment is absolutely necessary, there are so many alternative options that  are natural and don't have all the negative side effects. These alternatives are often a better choice for cases that are less severe.

In fact, approximately 80% of all sufferers have the least dangerous form of the condition, psoriasis vulgaris. It's characterized by itchy red lesions covered by a flaky, silvery scale of dead skin cells. Most of these people could benefit from natural treatment options.

One way to learn about natural treatments available for psoriasis is by reading books and other materials related specifically to the topic. One such resource is "Psoriasis Essentials". It's not only a guide to natural psoriasis treatments, it also contains a lot of information about the condition itself.

As if the physical and emotional symptoms of psoriasis aren't enough incentive to get proper treatment, there's another related yet more serious condition known as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis sufferers are more likely to develop this condition, especially when they allow their symptoms to get out of hand.

The bottom line is this, if you suffer from either or both of these miserable conditions, you need to take control of the situation and find the treatment that's right for you. Fortunately there are many natural treatments available and it's as easy as learning about them and putting what you discover to good use.

Grab your copy of "Psoriasis Essentials" today and get your psoriasis condition under control... before it controls you. You can get all the details here:

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Dieticians/Nutritionist Programs Continued
Supporting Dieticians and Nutritionists in their core practice, and providing income opportunities for those interested in supplying products to weight loss clinics, diabetes practitioners and hospitals.
If you are a Dietician/Nutritionist and want to recommend and incorporate our products into your professional practice, just let us know and we will send you are sample allowance program if you want to demo products to patience. Basically, samples are not free but the program allows you to get product at a very reasonable price. For example, we will match any product you buy with one free product up to 6 bottles. (Flavor Packs excluded and no other consumer promotions, discounts or allowances apply). Normal shipping charges of $4.80 apply. Learn more.
If you recommend our products and your patients buy products, we will let you buy an equal amount of product up to 6 units at a special price. Also, you we will give you a special promotion code for your customers who want to try and buy our products at special pricing as part of your professional recommendation. You would need to email us and advise us you want to participate in this program and we will provide you all the details. Validation of credentials will be required before participation is approved.
Some of our Dieticians and Nutritionists participate in our Affiliate Program. For those of you who specialize online with customer care, advise and recommendations and want to refer people to our website
through your affiliate link or home page, you can learn more here.
Some of our Dieticians and Nutritionists participate in our Sales Consultant Program. If you are interested in supplying our products to weight loss clinics and diabetic practitioners, hospitals, etc. go there now to learn more
"The Educators Edge" understands that advising patients on weight loss, diabetes and good health principles is a common practice among all successful Dieticians and Nutritionists. Our products support these areas in your practice by promoting the concept of drinking more water to ensure proper hydration.
Our storyline for our flavor drops to all consumers in general is consistent, and while our products have no nutrient values, the inherent value in using our products is that it makes drinking water easier and more fun. Maintaining proper hydration levels supports good health, is a key in weight loss and our natural sweetener stevia is a no calorie, not carb product that is great for diabetics.
The Educators Edge also shares a common goal and mission in educating consumers in general. It includes two blogs educating consumers on the subjects and the importance of water and hydration in good health, as well as articles on weight loss, diabetes and stevia. We also publish on the subjects of flavored waters, flavoring as an ingredient, and find ways to make natural flavoring and fruits as a subject as a way to get great tastes with no calories or carbs. The articles are easy reading, sometimes even fun, consumer friendly and pull from the most current research on these subjects.
"The Educators Edge" also publishes articles with the same shared values on the same subjects and are available online for reviewing for you and your customers.
Article titles published:
Blog articles. Here's a short list of post titles @
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Blog articles. Here's a short list of post articles@
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Flavor concentrates are used to flavor water to aid in hydration and can be used to flavor other foods and beverages. Flavor drops use just a hint of natural stevia to enhance the flavoring and not sweeten it. Our flavoring concentrates contain no artificial sweeteners. Easy and fun to use and truly deliver on both fresh fruit tastes and aromas.
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Wednesday 21 March 2012

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Drink to lose waight: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Co...: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consoli... : Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consolidation - Avoid Corporate Bank...A goalkeeper can't be afraid of getting hurt. You need to use you whole body to stop your opponents from scoring. In a tight situation, (especially during the corner kicks) you must do everything you can in order to save the goal. Injuries happen in spite of all the training and the gear that the goalkeepers wear, but then it's a part and parcel of the game.

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N.B. Staying organized both in your home life and work life can sometimes be a challenge. If you work from home or just have a small home office, it’s very important to make sure your work space is properly maintained and you can find everything easily. Too much clutter can make life much more difficult, and important tasks and papers can get lost in the shuffle. With proper organization, you can easily find the things you are looking for as well as feel like your personal life and work space are neat and clean. Even your computer should be properly organized, so items in various folders and on your desktop are quickly and easily accessed. Kindle Kash
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Keeping Your Desk Neat
Your desk is where you do most of your professional work and a lot of thinking, so it’s important that it stay neat and clean. Using pen holders and post it note holders can keep loose items in one stationary place. Paper clips are often a problem, so use a small cup or other plastic container to keep binder clips, paper clips, and rubber bands. Many computer desks now have organizer drawers that have different compartments designed to hold small objects. You can also purchase small desk organizers to put inside your desk drawer if the furniture you have does not have one. Your personalized affiliate page is here.
The Wealthy Writer
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Paper can often become a huge problem when you have a desk. That’s why it is extremely important to have some kind of system in place for papers so they don’t get mixed up. You should use desk organizers that stack so you have several different categorized places to put your papers. Incoming and outgoing mail should be separated. Current projects should have their own stack, while completed projects should be filed away. A filing cabinet is an excellent way to keep all of your files and important papers organized while still being neatly put away. Each week, go through the items on your desk and determine what papers can be thrown away or recycled, and put them in a shred or recycle box. If you let items pile up too quickly, important things can be abandoned, while unimportant things just add to the clutter. Make it a point to weekly clean your desk is a smart way to keep them organized.
Most of us have too many pens and pencils floating around. Think about it: do you really need 25 pens hanging around your desk? Throw away some of the old pens you don’t use, and just keep one or two good ones handy. Or, put away the remaining pens and only bring them out to use when one runs out of ink. Use your computer-based calendar or PDA to keep track of appointments instead of using a traditional desk calendar. This keeps everything organized and you don't have to have the extra paper hanging on the wall or sitting on your desk.

Speaking as a Kindle and Nook e-book author,

I, too, write my own unique e-books in a few different fiction genres and out-source for some books in non-fiction genres. I publish all of my Kindle e-books using different pen names under one Kindle publishing account, no problem. So no worries there.Kindle Kash
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You can publish some of your books under your own name and as many other books under as many different pen names as you would like.

Will see how the advice in this product shakes out.
Writers & Artists - -

 Kindle Kash
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Personally, the few times that I've bothered to use out-sourced work, I end up putting in time cleaning it up to make it a quality piece of work. But I'm also picky and do my research before-hand to find out what the target audience already reads and would find enjoyable (Amazon is great that way).  Your personalized affiliate page is here.
The Best-Seller Secret
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It absolutely floors me, all the people who want to "create" Kindle/Nook e-books for a quick buck because they're booming right now but do not really have the aptitude for it.

And if you are going to get into e-book authorship purely from a business perspective, i.e., to produce a stream of income, one of your main objectives should be to output quality work if you really want to be in it for long-term passive income.

Nothing wrong with getting quality work done inexpensively, of course, it just hasn't been my experience that you can do both. You get what you pay for, and unfortunately, if you're really careless, you can pay out the wahoo even for poor-quality work.

I am a died-in-the-wool bookworm, and I enjoy writing. There are a lot of bookworms out there who would not particularly enjoy writing books.

So what is the likelihood that people who do not even particularly enjoy reading are going to know/appreciate quality writing? Especially enough to output quality e-book after quality e-book? Your personalized affiliate page is here.
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Know this also, I know from experience that you do not have to continually output gobs and gobs of quality e-books to make a decent full-time living as an author/publisher.

Please, do not get me wrong here. I am not saying that you can only be successful at this Kindle thing if you are a bookworm.  Your personalized affiliate page is here.
Travel Writing Secrets
Be a travel writer - get 5-star treatment, get published, get paid!
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There are some people, especially in the internet marketing industry, who have the business acumen to recognize and effectively promote quality work. BUT the key here is QUALITY.

Put crap out there if you dare, but it will come back to you in spades, especially if you mess around with a big company like Amazon.

I mean, think about it, Amazon is not going to let crap products ruin their reputation, nor should they. After all, they are a business, first and foremost.

As with most of the stuff I buy on the Warrior Forum, I'll take the few grains of salt that I can pick up from Kindle Content Miracle and leave the rest of it.

Good luck, Warriors!
 Kindle Kash
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Furthermore,the publishing process is a NIGHTMARE.

You spend years perfecting your manuscript. You take months researching the best agents and publishers in town.

You blast out your manuscripts - only to receive a handful of pre-printed rejection slips in return.

So, you get more desperate - and start sending out manuscripts a dozen at a time. More and more. Nobody is interested.


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Click on the above link to learn how YOU can avoid the publishing nightmare - and enjoy the real benefits of being an author!

Drink your way...


What is the Perfect Diet Drink?

Hello, My name is Paul.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.


Drink Your Way To Weight Loss
Whether you are trying to get rid of an unsightly beer belly or want to look good in a swimsuit, the battle of the bulge can be a tricky one to win. The good news is that it's entirely possible to drop the pounds in a relatively short amount of time. How to lose weight comes down to one thing: burning more calories than you take in. Therefore, you either have to burn them, or decrease your intake. Here is one way to help you do the latter: Cut out soft drinks. First we'll cover soda, then we'll look at some other options.

You may think that drinking just one soda per day doesn't make that much of a difference. If you're active, and have your weight under control, then having the occasional soda is fine. But let's take a look at how that one soda can add up and what the impact on your weight will be when you go with a calorie-free alternative.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

Let's use some simple math to see what a positive difference this one small change can make when trying to lose weight. The first thing to know is that every 3,500 calories you get rid equals one pound. Next, a typical 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 calories. Okay, here's how it works out...

365 days in a year X 150 calories per 12 oz. = 54,750 total calories.

54,750 calories divided by 3,500 calories = 15.6 pounds!

Talk about a small change that can make add up to significant weight loss. And if you happen to drink soda in larger bottles, it could make a difference of 30 pounds or more. But be careful that you don't replace those calories with other calories. In other words you have to cut those calories out completely to get the full benefit.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

A Simple Way To Lose Weight And Keep It Off.

Funny how those few extra pounds seem to creep onto our bodies without notice. Then, one day, it's almost as though they have all been added at once. Perhaps it a glance in the mirror, or worse, a comment from a friend you haven' t seen in a while. Whatever it is, you are ready to lose weight. You want to look and feel better. At the same time, there's so much conflicting information about the best way to lose weight. What's a person to do? What follows may not be at the top of everybody's list for ways to lose weight quickly, but it works. At the very least it should be added to your bag of tricks for dropping those extra pounds. Some of the tips may sound a little silly, but you can't argue with results. So, what is this method? Portion control. And it can actually be a lot fun! For starters, when you focus on your portions, there's no need to carry along a bulky calories counter guide when you go out to eat. I used to hate trying to be "casual" when using those, because I just knew all of the other diners were watching me; thinking to themselves how fat I was. The most basic way of controlling your portions is...get ready...this is good...putting less on your plate. See? Easy. Not so fast! If it was that easy we would all be at our ideal weight. Yes, by all means, make an effort to put less on your plate. Here are a few more tricks to keep portions limited so you can lose extra weight. Don't worry about cleaning your plate. In fact, make it a habit to always leave a few bites on your plate. Speaking of your plate, using smaller dishes will give the illusion that there is more food on them. You can even eat on a saucer instead of a large dinner plate. Granted, you may have to fill it a second time, but all in all, it's an easy way to limit the amount of food you're eating. A big problem for a lot of people is that they eat so fast that they are technically full long before they feel full. Slow down the speed with which you normally eat. Doing so will give your stomach more time to signal the brain that it's full. The beauty of doing it this way is that you can eat the same foods you enjoy

Alternative Diets & Much more go to the all Solutions Network.

 "My top tip is to drink seven glasses of water per day" What is the Perfect Diet Drink? The perfect diet drink is water and Yum Drops®; 0 carbs, 0 calories 0 Fat. What is "The Perfect Thirst Quencher"? Water has been proven to be the only real thirst quencher. Trouble with some pre-bottled beverages is they are loaded with sugar and after a while, you can't drink it, it's just too sweet. Any recent studies to validate these two claims? Men's Health March 2009 ran a study by the University of NC. It claims the average person is consuming 450 calories a day in beverages. That's 29 a pounds a year you either have to lose of put on. See out story line for full article.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

So, what are the options? Most people think juice is a good replacement for soda. Not if you're counting calories it isn't. For example, while soda may have 150 calories per 12 ounces, grape juice has closer to 250. Some juices have a higher water content, so you'll have to check the label to be sure. However, if it's a choice between soda and fruit juice, go with the juice. At least the juice contains some vital nutrients while soda is nothing but empty calories.

Another thing you may not be aware of is that the sugar in soft drinks can make you thirsty. Putting you into an endless loop of drinking calorie-laden beverages to slake the thirst that the same beverages are causing.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

And the best of luck with all your efforts!


N.B.Remember:TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

Football MAD

Common Soccer Positions
Are you a little perplexed by different soccer positions and the jargon you hear out on the field? Do you spend most of the game wondering exactly what every player is supposed to be doing? Here is a guide to the basic and more advanced positions of a soccer game as well as some of the more common nicknames for them. Because the best way to lose a soccer game is allowing the other team to score, defensive positions are very important to the game.

These are the basic defensive positions:

Defender - Also called a ‘back’, this defensive player works his magic in the defensive third of the soccer field, preventing the opposing team from making a goal.

Fullback - Plays the back most part of the defensive third, protecting the goal keeper.

Sweeper - A defensive player whose domain is directly in front of the goal, keeping the other team’s offensive players away from the goal. This position is not always used, but it can make a key difference in the quality of play.

Goal Keeper/Goalie/Keeper - Perhaps the best known position, this is the player who is directly in front of the goal to prevent the other team from scoring. It’s easy to identify the goalie, not just because of their position, but because they are the only player you will see using their hands and arms.

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7 Soccer Goalie Tips
If you are playing as a soccer goalie, then you should read these tips, print them and keep them. But just reading these tips isn't enough. You would also need to practice them and make them a part of your daily routine, if you thinking of really been a great goalie. The main aim of the goalkeeper is to save the goal and they should be ready for it at all times. Adapt the tips in the matches that you play to become a great goalkeeper.

1. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times
Don't fall in the trap of just looking at the ball when it's in the 18-yard box. Keep yourself focused on the ball at all times, even if it's far away from you. Many goalies have realized to their horror the consequences of not paying attention to the ball when its far way. 

2. You should be ready to leave the 18-yard box
The primary mission of the goalkeeper is to save the shoots from reaching the goal. Also at some point in the game, you will need to leave the 18-yard box. However, don't do it too often else, the opponent can easily score while you are away. Be prepared to leave the goal and run in order to save the ball. Don't hold back at this time, instead run with confidence and determination. 

3. Jumping to reach the crosses
Before you jump in the air to save the ball, ensure that you can actually reach the ball. When you should actually jump and go for crosses and when you shouldn't is very difficult to say. In fact this is something that you will actually learn on the field as you gain more experience. If you lose the ball in the air, then the opposing team has an advantage over you. 

4. Learn from your mistakes
Understand that making mistakes is a part of the game. Unless you make mistakes, you won't go any far. Have confidence in yourself and then you can take out the opposition. At times, you would concede a goal. At these times, analyze what went wrong and then try not to repeat the mistake again. 

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5. Surprise your opponents
Don't make the first move; instead let your opponent do it first. In this way you would be able to take them by surprise. As a soccer goalie you should be able to judge the body language of the players. This is very important when the offensive players are taking a shoot. You must be able to judge when, how and where the strikers are planning to shoot. 

6. Standing close to the goal line is necessary
It's important that you stand close to the goal line (about one yard). Standing too far away from the goal line can give immense opportunities to the opposing team. Lastly, you don't want to be caught unawares. 

7. Don't be afraid of getting hurt
A goalkeeper can't be afraid of getting hurt. You need to use you whole body to stop your opponents from scoring. In a tight situation, (especially during the corner kicks) you must do everything you can in order to save the goal. Injuries happen in spite of all the training and the gear that the goalkeepers wear, but then it's a part and parcel of the game.

Defense is certainly important, but scoring goals is just as important as preventing the opponents from scoring them. On the other two-thirds of the field, you’ll find two basic types of soccer players:

Forward - As their title suggests, this player’s domain is the forward third of the field. The forwards have the important job of taking shots and making goals. The ‘striker’ is usually the key forward, who is the best at scoring.

Midfielder/Halfback - The midfielder is the multi-tasker of the game of soccer. From the middle third of the field, they move the ball between the forward and back thirds and can play offensively or defensively as needed.

But wait, you may be thinking. These aren’t all the terms I hear on the field. What about the ‘maestro’, or the ‘wingers’? There are other, more specialized roles that are sometimes assigned to players with special strengths and talents. Here are the most common advanced soccer positions you’ll hear about on the field.

Central Defender - This player, usually the best defender on the team, guards directly in front of their team’s goal.

Stopper - This position’s key duty is to guard the opposing team’s striker and stop them from making goals.

Defensive Midfielder - Also called a midfield anchor, this is a midfielder who plays near the defensive third of the field and, despite being a midfielder, plays primarily defense.

Central Midfielder - This midfielder is also called the Midfield General or the Midfield Maestro. They are the chief organizers of the midfielders and are responsible for keeping the ball on the offensive third of the field, where the forwards can work their magic.

Attacking Midfielder - This midfielder spends most of their time on the offensive end of the midfield, supporting the forwards.

Wingers - These are the speedy players who work the outsides of the field. Because they are responsible for getting the ball to the forwards, they are usually expert dribblers and make accurate passes.

Central Forward - This player is usually the best scorer, and thus works the middle section of the forward third. This position is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘Striker’. A related position is that of ‘Finisher’, which is the player who is almost guaranteed to score when given the opportunity.

Whether you are watching professional soccer or a preschool game, almost all positions will fall into one of the above categories. Each of these positions requires a specific set of skills and speed, and each is equally important to the game. This is what makes soccer a global favorite in sports; regardless of a player’s strengths and weaknesses, there is sure to be a position that is best for them.

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 Issue #070

1. Reading with Children

Site Build It!

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." (Emilie Buchwald)
Research has shown that reading to children significantly raises their potential for academic and life-long success.
The ability to read is an essential skill for learning, and if a child lovesreading, she will become more skilled at it. This life skill will give her an advantage: She will gain not only knowledge, but also pleasure from the literature that she is able to read.
The converse is also true. A child who struggles to read, will struggle with conventional forms of learning and will always be frustrated when required to read. This could lead to all sorts of related problems, which in turn may affect the child's self esteem and behaviour patterns. who wouldn't want to get their child hooked on books?
Unlike many other skills, such as writing, its never too early to start reading aloud WITH your child. In fact, research has even shown that there are benefits to reading aloud to a baby in the womb!
I love the words of a fellow South African book-lover, Jay Heale:
"You are not reading a book to a child; You are sharing a book with a child."
Did you know that reading to children makes them feel more loved?
As you cuddle up and share book together, you and your child will enjoy over 20 Benefits of Reading with Children.
There is a series of articles on my site about Reading for you to enjoy at your leisure:
1. Reading with Babies and Toddlers
2. Preschool Reading Together
3. Preschool Reading Activities and Games

2. Check my website

Coming up:
22 April is Earth Day – Earth Day Craft
Sunday, 9 May 2010 is Mother's Day

3. Quote

"A house without books is like a room without windows." ~ Heinreich Mann

4. Tips & Advice

If you intend to nurture your child's love of literature you should regularly visit the library and explore both fiction and non-fiction books.
You should also start building a home library so that there are always favorite books on hand. I have listed some classics and some of our family favourites here: Our Favorites

ABC Fun & 1-2-3 is a literature-rich preschool programme that includes reviews of over 100 quality children's stories that you and your child can enjoy together - plus it includes lots of other age-appropriate activities.
Click here for more info and sample lessons: ABC Fun & 1-2-3

5. Readiness Activities

The following activities are aimed at ages 3-5. For older children, adapt the activity to their ability.
Click here for Back issues of The Whole Child publication. To download the activities in a printable pdf, click here.
You will need to have Adobe Reader installed. It’s a free download. Repeat these activities often - with your own variations too!


1. Gross motor skills
Hold your child by the feet while he does a 'wheelbarrow' walk on the floor, supporting his body with his hands. This is an excellent strengthening exercise for the muscles of shoulder girdle. Let him rest every now and then.
2. Fine motor skills
Manual dexterity: Let your child pick up small objects such as plastic toys or shapes using clothes pegs.
3. Visual skills
Visual analysis: Cut large shapes such as a circle, square and triangle from paper. Then cut them in half and then place all the pieces on the table in front of your child. She must put them together to build the complete shape once more.
4. Auditory skills
Encourage your child to combine sounds and actions. When you make a sound like an animal, let him pretend to be that animal. You can also make the sounds of cars and other vehicles. More ideas are frogs (croak and jump), horse (neigh and gallop), an aeroplane, a train, a cat, a mouse, a bird,a chicken etc.
5. Mathematical skills
Choose a number and see how many times you and your child can spot it in a day. Look at post box numbers, road signs, address numbers etc.
6. Language and thinking skills
Active Language Development: Play the “why?” game with your child, but you both get to ask questions and give answers: Why do you wear clothes?
Why do we eat food?
Why does a car have wheels?
Why does a house have windows?
7. Faith-building
Pick one aspect of your child's character that needs training, such as perseverance, helpfulness (with a good attitude) or generosity (sharing) and make a focused effort to encourage and train your child in that area. Make sure you are setting a good example too. Praise her for her efforts.

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Greetings until next month

Promotional Tools
For some people, the idea of working from home on the Internet is very appealing. Some folks have the idea that Internet marketers work in their pajamas all day long while sipping cups of coffee and listening to their favorite TV programs in the background. Some people may work from home in this kind of environment, but the vast majority of successful Internet marketers don't approach their business this way.

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Cornwall's Celtic Culture
Celtic Cornwall,Chsauster; a fine example of ruined houses, and Englands oldest are part of what was  probably  a thriving mining settlement some 2000 years ago.the stone outlines of eight houses indicate that the Celtic inhabitants sited the main enterance of each house facing North-East to protect them from the prevailing South-West winds.
Furtheremore, there were centralcourtyards and paved floors fitted with drainage channels.
Cornwall is rich in relicsof its past, from place names associated with King Arthur to the ruins of countless 19th-century tin and Copper Mines.
Most interestinglly evidance of Celtic Placenames can be found. For example, Tre, Pol,Pen, Chy and Wheal are renants ofthe ancient Cornish language,a Celtic tongue that links Cornwall with Brittany, Wales, the Isle of Man, Ireland and Scotland.
Check it out. You'll be amazed at what you discover!
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Who were the Celts?
Who were the Celts? Was there ever a distinct people known as the Celts? Was there ever a mass invasion of Celtic peoples into Britain? The word 'Celt' is thought to be derived from the Greek word 'Keltoi' - a name given to a tribe from around the Massilia (Marseille) region of southern France. All other tribes exhibiting similar characteristics were deemed 'Celts'. Recently the term has fallen out of favour and is often replaced by the less romantic but strictly more accurate 'Iron Age peoples'. The term 'Celt' now refers to a type of art - Celtic Art. They were not an 'ethnically distinct group' from the Upper Danube or alpine Europe. In the case of Britain it was as Francis Pryor puts it '... it was more an invasion of ideas than of people'.
The original inhabitants of these lands grew and populated the countryside, evolving from the Stone Age through the flooding of the North Sea Basin - recently christened 'Doggerland', to form the islands of Britain in about 5000BC. From the change in being 'hunter-gatherers' to the application of Farming in the Early Neolithic. During the next 2000 years or so, cultures evolved still further with man really making their mark on the landscape with barrows, causewayed enclosures of the Middle Neolithic (c.3500BC) through to the huge henge monuments such as at Stonehenge and Avebury (c.3000BC). As Man developed ever more complex tools and ideas, he discovered the ability to work metals, promoting the next stage in his evolution - The Bronze Age. Some 1500 years later the culture evolved into the Iron Age, with a further increase in the complexiy of artifacts and tools. In Britain, the Iron Age is deemed to have ended with the Roman invasion of Emperor Claudius and his legions in AD43. We now move from pre-history into ancient history.

What makes Cornwall and the other 'Celtic' nations so different, so enigmatic, is their very non-Englishness. They stand as somewhere close to home but with different languages, heritage and cultures. Cornwall is often portrayed as unique to promote tourism - obviously its long beaches of golden sand and spectacular scenery help to put the icing on the cake.
Cornwall emerged from the former 'kingdom' of Dumnonia that grew to prominence in the Late Iron Age - from about 150BC. The rise of the tribal kingdoms had differing effects on their people depending on which part of the British Isles you lived. The eastern side of the country looked east towards the continent, the western side towards the Atlantic. There seems to have been relatively stable but warlike kingdoms in place by the time of the first tentative expedition by Julius Caesar in 55BC. Although he brought a force of about 100 ships containing about 10,000 soldiers (2 legions) he did not gain a foothold and returned across the channel to try again the following year.

A Land Apart?
Several different cultures and peoples make Cornwall what it is today. There are traces of the Neolithic Beaker People and the Megalith builders of 2000 B.C, with dolmen, burial chambers, and mênhirs (standing stones) found especially on the Isles Of Scilly, Penwith in West Cornwall and on Bodmin Moor in East Cornwall. The human remains in these tombs were usually found kneeling or sitting with their knees up to their chins. Later Bronze Age cultures began the custom of single burial and cremation that continues today. Very many of these ancient relics have been destroyed over time and by mining activity, but a brief visit to these sites should fulfil all but the most ardent of researchers. The main sites being Boscawen-ûn (Nine Maidens); Boleigh (Merry Maidens and The Pipers); Carn Gluze (Ballowall Barrow); Pendeen Vau; The Blind Fiddler at Sancreed; Chûn Quoit; Mulfra; and Mên-an-Tol (Holed Stone). Other notable sites are The Hurlers (on Bodmin Moor); Trethevy Quoit (near Liskeard); Carn Euny near Sancreed; Tremenheer (St. Keverne) and the Stripple Stones and Trippet Stones of St. Breward.
Around about 750 B.C. the culture evolved from working with Bronze to working with Iron. The Iron Age had begun. This evolution into new ways of working was formerly known as 'Celtic Culture'. Their whole way of life began to change, compared to the scattered Bronze Age residents, the Iron Age tribes had a highly organised structure, they were civilised and well trained in battle. They set about fortifying their hilltop settlements with ditches and ringed earth ramparts. Some of these Iron Age hill forts can still be seen at Castle-an-Dinas (near St. Columb); Trencrom (Hayle); Castle Canyke (Bodmin); Chûn Castle (Pendeen) and Carn Brea overlooking present-day Redruth. The most impressive however lies near Dorchester in Dorset and is the huge 20 acre site of Maiden Castle - home of the Durotriges Celts until 43AD.

Cliff castles were also constructed on the coast with the some of the most accessible at Rumps Point (Polzeath); Trevelgue (Newquay); Kelsey Head (Holywell Bay); Gurnard's Head (Zennor); Carrick Lûz (Coverack); Kenidjack Castle (Cape Cornwall); Treryn Dinas (Porthcurno); Maen Castle (Land's End) and Dodman Point (St. Austell). More photographs..>

In fact, it is thought that the classic cliff castle at Rumps Point is so similar to those in Armorica, Brittany that it may have been built by refugees from the great sea battle of Morbihan Bay between the Romans and the Veneti in 56 BC. The Celts also introduced the idea of special areas dedicated to the burial of their dead - in fact these were Iron Age cemeteries. Left largely untouched by the Romans until their departure in c. 410 A.D., Cornwall retained the majority of this Celtic influence for almost the next 1000 years. When the Jutes; Angles and Saxons invaded from across the North Sea in about 450 A.D. and established 7 states: Kent (Jutes); Northumbria; Mercia; East Anglia (Angles); Wessex; Sussex and Essex (Saxons), the Celts (Ancient Britons) were squeezed into the extremities of the island of Britain. This relocation of the Celts only strengthened their language and culture in these lands. The Dumnonii and Cerniw became Devon and Cornwall, the 'strangers' (Saxon - wealhas) formed Wales, with other tribes forming Scotland and Armorica (present-day Brittany). Cornwall was, in fact, the last part of Britain to surrender to the Saxons in 838 AD.

Cornish Mining
There are eleven main metalliferous areas in Cornwall. A section dedicated to each area has been set up to complement the successful World Heritage Site Bid of 14th July 2006. Cornwall in Focus are currently visiting these areas taking photographs and researching information in order to set up a comprehensive Mining Database for each district. See the Mining section for more details.
Family Trees
To quote the old adage 'Where there's a hole in the ground, you'll find a Cornishman at the bottom'. I am sure that there are many people exploring this site that will have at least one Cornish Ancestor. The great exodus of skilled miners in the mid to late nineteenth century to all corners of the globe caused by the fall in copper and tin prices has ensured that there are thousands of people with Cornish ancestors. Check out our Family Tree page for helpful links and information.
Cornish Language
The ancient Celtic language of Cornwall was reportedly last spoken by Dolly Pentreath of Mousehole who died in 1777. There is also however, a tombstone at Zennor churchyard to John Davey of Boswednack (1812-1891), 'the last to possess any traditional considerable knowledge of the Cornish Language'. He sang traditional songs and could converse quite fluently. Why did it die out? While Cornwall remained largely untouched by the outside world the language remained intact. Some historians point to the failed 'Cornish Rebellion of 1497' - led by Michael Joseph 'An Gof' (the Smith) and Thomas Flamank - and the 'Prayer Book Rebellion' of 1549 as two major turning point in the demise of Cornish. For more information on the ancient Cornish Language as well as key words, links and phrases, please see our Cornish Language page.
Myths & Legends
Everywhere has its legends and myths - some are more believable than others. Here are a selection of some of my favourite Cornish Myths and Legends.
Cornish v. Gaelic Languages
All about Cornish
Gaelic equivalents
Cornish keywords
Counting in Cornish
Food and drink
Dates and time
Useful phrases
Lord's Prayer

Radyo an Gernewegva
'Deth da, Da yu genef dha weles'....The ancient Celtic language of Cornwall was reportedly last spoken by Dolly Pentreath of Mousehole who died in 1777. There is also however, a tombstone at Zennor churchyard to John Davey (1812-1891), 'the last to possess any traditional considerable knowledge of the Cornish Language'. He sang traditional songs and could converse quite fluently. Why did it die out? While Cornwall remained largely untouched by the outside world the language remained intact..
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Mesolithic: Middle Stone Age, 8000BC to 4500BC
Neolithic: New Stone Age, 4500BC to 2200BC
Bronze Age: 2200BC to 700BC
Iron Age: 700BC to 43AD
Roman: 43AD to 410AD
Post Roman: 410AD to 1000AD
Medieval: from 1000AD
Cornwall has hundreds of ancient monuments. They range from the small underground chambers known as 'fogous', mysterious chambered cairns and entrance graves, round barrows, long barrows, enigmatic inscribed stones, through to imposing quoits (dolmens) and cliff castles as well as my personal favourite the longstones or mênhirs.
Obviously, all of this monument building did not take place at the same time. Man has been leaving his mark on the surface of the planet for thousands of years and each civilisation has had its own method of honouring their dead and/or their deities.

There are large concentrations of megalithic Chamber Tombs in the far west, on the Land's End Peninsula and also on the Isles of Scilly. The most commonly visited (and photographed) are Lanyon Quoit, Chun Quoit, Mulfra Quoit (near Zennor); Ballowall Barrow (Carn Gluze) in Penwith and Trethevy Quoit (Liskeard). Scillonians can explore the well preserved Giant's Tomb above Porth Hellick [Grid ref. SV928108]; Innisidgen [Grid ref. SV922127] and Bant's Carn [Grid ref. SV910123] on St. Mary's. An excellent pair of guide books are The Modern Antiquarian by Julian Cope and Journey To The Stones - Mermaid to Merrymaid by Ian McNeil Cooke.

Holed stones are a lot rarer with only two notable examples - Mên-an-Tol near Morvah and the Tolvan Stone on private farmland near Gweek.

The major Bronze Age barrows are situated at Pelynt; West Taphouse; Newquay; Rillaton & Jericho in Cornwall, and Obadiah's Barrow on Gugh, Isles of Scilly.
Well preserved Bronze Age Stone Circles are found in Penwith at The Merry Maidens (Boleigh); The Nine Maidens (Boscawen-ûn); Duloe Stone Circle (of white Quartzite) and at Tregeseal (The Dancing Stones). Bodmin Moor is home to The Hurlers and the Trippet Stones. The Hurlers are the remains of three ancient stone circles north of Liskeard. Legend has it that the local people were warned by local cleric St. Cleer not to play Hurling on the Sabbath, when they refused he turned all of them to stone as a warning to others. Bronze Age Long Stones (Mênhirs) are relatively common with the district of Penwith boasting almost 90 instances. The most famous being The Pipers (near Boleigh); The Blind Fiddler (near Sancreed); Tremenheer (near St. Keverne) and Boslow (near Pendeen). The Isles of Scilly have The Old Man of Gugh.
The best examples of Iron Age Forts; Fogous and Cliff Castles are: Castle-an-Dinas; Castle Canyke; Chapel Carn Brea; Trencrom; Chûn Castle; Castle Dore. Fogous are quite widespread with notable ones at Pendeen Vau; Boleigh; Chysauster & Porthmeor. There is a fine Iron Age village with Bronze Age Fogou at Carn Euny (OS Explorer 102 at Grid ref. SW402288) - See the Friendly Map & Guide to exploring the Land's End Peninsula for a plan of the site and more information. Also check out the site of Bodrifty Iron Age Settlement, near Newmill, Penzance (OS Explorer 102 at Grid ref. SW445355) and Halangy Down Village on St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. The following are Iron Age Cliff Castles: Trevelgue; Rumps Point; Maen Cliff Castle; Treryn Dinas; Kelsey Head and Gurnard's Head. Iron Age cemeteries have been discovered at Harlyn Bay; Chysauster and Porthmeor.
<Paul Thompson>

..Compare it with Gaelic
Some Keywords in the Cornish Language, with their Gaelic equivalents - kindly supplied by Cecil Ward of An t-Eilean Sgitheanach - the Isle of Skye
English Word
Cornish Translation
Gaelic Equivalent
dobhair, dòbhran


muir, mara
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Parc or Plen
Park or Plen

Head, Headland

Religous Settlement



Sand Dune
toman, tonn


Car Egg

A Wood
Cus or Cos
coilltean (pl.), coille (sing.)


Gwynn or Gwidden
Gwinn or Gwidden

Du or Dhu

Glas or Glaze







Pond or Pool
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