Wednesday 21 March 2012

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Drink to lose waight: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Co...: ASN: Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consoli... : Commercial Debt Counseling - Business Debt Consolidation - Avoid Corporate Bank...

Writers & Artists
Discover how to get paid $10,000 - for writing one simple letter!
The 10-Day E-Book
Write and publish your first e-book - in just 10 days, or less!
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Novel in a Month
Learn how to write a best-selling novel in just 28 days, or less!
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N.B. Staying organized both in your home life and work life can sometimes be a challenge. If you work from home or just have a small home office, it’s very important to make sure your work space is properly maintained and you can find everything easily. Too much clutter can make life much more difficult, and important tasks and papers can get lost in the shuffle. With proper organization, you can easily find the things you are looking for as well as feel like your personal life and work space are neat and clean. Even your computer should be properly organized, so items in various folders and on your desktop are quickly and easily accessed. Kindle Kash
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Keeping Your Desk Neat
Your desk is where you do most of your professional work and a lot of thinking, so it’s important that it stay neat and clean. Using pen holders and post it note holders can keep loose items in one stationary place. Paper clips are often a problem, so use a small cup or other plastic container to keep binder clips, paper clips, and rubber bands. Many computer desks now have organizer drawers that have different compartments designed to hold small objects. You can also purchase small desk organizers to put inside your desk drawer if the furniture you have does not have one. Your personalized affiliate page is here.
The Wealthy Writer
Discover how to make $100k+ a year - writing for the Internet!
Homepage is at

Paper can often become a huge problem when you have a desk. That’s why it is extremely important to have some kind of system in place for papers so they don’t get mixed up. You should use desk organizers that stack so you have several different categorized places to put your papers. Incoming and outgoing mail should be separated. Current projects should have their own stack, while completed projects should be filed away. A filing cabinet is an excellent way to keep all of your files and important papers organized while still being neatly put away. Each week, go through the items on your desk and determine what papers can be thrown away or recycled, and put them in a shred or recycle box. If you let items pile up too quickly, important things can be abandoned, while unimportant things just add to the clutter. Make it a point to weekly clean your desk is a smart way to keep them organized.
Most of us have too many pens and pencils floating around. Think about it: do you really need 25 pens hanging around your desk? Throw away some of the old pens you don’t use, and just keep one or two good ones handy. Or, put away the remaining pens and only bring them out to use when one runs out of ink. Use your computer-based calendar or PDA to keep track of appointments instead of using a traditional desk calendar. This keeps everything organized and you don't have to have the extra paper hanging on the wall or sitting on your desk.

Speaking as a Kindle and Nook e-book author,

I, too, write my own unique e-books in a few different fiction genres and out-source for some books in non-fiction genres. I publish all of my Kindle e-books using different pen names under one Kindle publishing account, no problem. So no worries there.Kindle Kash
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You can publish some of your books under your own name and as many other books under as many different pen names as you would like.

Will see how the advice in this product shakes out.
Writers & Artists - -

 Kindle Kash
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Personally, the few times that I've bothered to use out-sourced work, I end up putting in time cleaning it up to make it a quality piece of work. But I'm also picky and do my research before-hand to find out what the target audience already reads and would find enjoyable (Amazon is great that way).  Your personalized affiliate page is here.
The Best-Seller Secret
Turn your book into a #1 Amazon best-seller, with this little-known system!
Homepage is at

It absolutely floors me, all the people who want to "create" Kindle/Nook e-books for a quick buck because they're booming right now but do not really have the aptitude for it.

And if you are going to get into e-book authorship purely from a business perspective, i.e., to produce a stream of income, one of your main objectives should be to output quality work if you really want to be in it for long-term passive income.

Nothing wrong with getting quality work done inexpensively, of course, it just hasn't been my experience that you can do both. You get what you pay for, and unfortunately, if you're really careless, you can pay out the wahoo even for poor-quality work.

I am a died-in-the-wool bookworm, and I enjoy writing. There are a lot of bookworms out there who would not particularly enjoy writing books.

So what is the likelihood that people who do not even particularly enjoy reading are going to know/appreciate quality writing? Especially enough to output quality e-book after quality e-book? Your personalized affiliate page is here.
How to Write a Children's Book
Uncover how to write a children's classic - in 14 days, or less!
Homepage is at

Know this also, I know from experience that you do not have to continually output gobs and gobs of quality e-books to make a decent full-time living as an author/publisher.

Please, do not get me wrong here. I am not saying that you can only be successful at this Kindle thing if you are a bookworm.  Your personalized affiliate page is here.
Travel Writing Secrets
Be a travel writer - get 5-star treatment, get published, get paid!
Homepage is at

There are some people, especially in the internet marketing industry, who have the business acumen to recognize and effectively promote quality work. BUT the key here is QUALITY.

Put crap out there if you dare, but it will come back to you in spades, especially if you mess around with a big company like Amazon.

I mean, think about it, Amazon is not going to let crap products ruin their reputation, nor should they. After all, they are a business, first and foremost.

As with most of the stuff I buy on the Warrior Forum, I'll take the few grains of salt that I can pick up from Kindle Content Miracle and leave the rest of it.

Good luck, Warriors!
 Kindle Kash
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Furthermore,the publishing process is a NIGHTMARE.

You spend years perfecting your manuscript. You take months researching the best agents and publishers in town.

You blast out your manuscripts - only to receive a handful of pre-printed rejection slips in return.

So, you get more desperate - and start sending out manuscripts a dozen at a time. More and more. Nobody is interested.


But it doesn't have to be that way.

Can you imagine landing yourself a HUGE publishing contract... AND enjoying a five-figure royalty ADVANCE...

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Wouldn't that be a much better solution?

Well, that's how professional writers work - using BOOK PROPOSALS to secure a publishing contract and healthy advance, before they even start work on the manuscript.

But how do you create a KILLER book proposal?

This brand new site unveils ALL the secrets, thanks to the work of publishing mogul, Dan Strauss:

Click on the above link to learn how YOU can avoid the publishing nightmare - and enjoy the real benefits of being an author!

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