Thursday, 1 March 2012

Drink to lose waight: GO GREEN: GO GREEN: GO GREEN: DRIVING SAFELY.The U...

Drink to lose weight:
Another thing you may not be aware of is that the sugar in soft drinks can make you thirsty. Putting you into an endless loop of drinking calorie-laden beverages to slake the thirst that the same beverages are causing.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

What is the Perfect Diet Drink?

Hello, My name is Paul. "My top tip is to drink seven glasses of water per day" What is the Perfect Diet Drink? The perfect diet drink is water and Yum Drops®; 0 carbs, 0 calories 0 Fat. What is "The Perfect Thirst Quencher"? Water has been proven to be the only real thirst quencher. Trouble with some pre-bottled beverages is they are loaded with sugar and after a while, you can't drink it, it's just too sweet. Any recent studies to validate these two claims? Men's Health March 2009 ran a study by the University of NC. It claims the average person is consuming 450 calories a day in beverages. That's 29 a pounds a year you either have to lose of put on. See out story line for full article.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

Drink Your Way To Weight Loss

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.

Whether you are trying to get rid of an unsightly beer belly or want to look good in a swimsuit, the battle of the bulge can be a tricky one to win. The good news is that it's entirely possible to drop the pounds in a relatively short amount of time. How to lose weight comes down to one thing: burning more calories than you take in. Therefore, you either have to burn them, or decrease your intake. Here is one way to help you do the latter: Cut out soft drinks. First we'll cover soda, then we'll look at some other options.

You may think that drinking just one soda per day doesn't make that much of a difference. If you're active, and have your weight under control, then having the occasional soda is fine. But let's take a look at how that one soda can add up and what the impact on your weight will be when you go with a calorie-free alternative.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

And the best of luck with all your efforts!

Let's use some simple math to see what a positive difference this one small change can make when trying to lose weight. The first thing to know is that every 3,500 calories you get rid equals one pound. Next, a typical 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 calories. Okay, here's how it works out...

365 days in a year X 150 calories per 12 oz. = 54,750 total calories.

54,750 calories divided by 3,500 calories = 15.6 pounds!

Talk about a small change that can make add up to significant weight loss. And if you happen to drink soda in larger bottles, it could make a difference of 30 pounds or more. But be careful that you don't replace those calories with other calories. In other words you have to cut those calories out completely to get the full benefit.

The best way to quench your thirst when trying to lose weight is water. Keep a large bottle within arm's reach throughout the day, making it easy to take a sip when needed.

A Simple Way To Lose Weight And Keep It Off.

Funny how those few extra pounds seem to creep onto our bodies without notice. Then, one day, it's almost as though they have all been added at once. Perhaps it a glance in the mirror, or worse, a comment from a friend you haven' t seen in a while. Whatever it is, you are ready to lose weight. You want to look and feel better. At the same time, there's so much conflicting information about the best way to lose weight. What's a person to do? What follows may not be at the top of everybody's list for ways to lose weight quickly, but it works. At the very least it should be added to your bag of tricks for dropping those extra pounds. Some of the tips may sound a little silly, but you can't argue with results. So, what is this method? Portion control. And it can actually be a lot fun! For starters, when you focus on your portions, there's no need to carry along a bulky calories counter guide when you go out to eat. I used to hate trying to be "casual" when using those, because I just knew all of the other diners were watching me; thinking to themselves how fat I was. The most basic way of controlling your portions is...get ready...this is good...putting less on your plate. See? Easy. Not so fast! If it was that easy we would all be at our ideal weight. Yes, by all means, make an effort to put less on your plate. Here are a few more tricks to keep portions limited so you can lose extra weight. Don't worry about cleaning your plate. In fact, make it a habit to always leave a few bites on your plate. Speaking of your plate, using smaller dishes will give the illusion that there is more food on them. You can even eat on a saucer instead of a large dinner plate. Granted, you may have to fill it a second time, but all in all, it's an easy way to limit the amount of food you're eating. A big problem for a lot of people is that they eat so fast that they are technically full long before they feel full. Slow down the speed with which you normally eat. Doing so will give your stomach more time to signal the brain that it's full. The beauty of doing it this way is that you can eat the same foods you enjoy

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

So, what are the options? Most people think juice is a good replacement for soda. Not if you're counting calories it isn't. For example, while soda may have 150 calories per 12 ounces, grape juice has closer to 250. Some juices have a higher water content, so you'll have to check the label to be sure. However, if it's a choice between soda and fruit juice, go with the juice. At least the juice contains some vital nutrients while soda is nothing but empty calories.
TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

Another thing you may not be aware of is that the sugar in soft drinks can make you thirsty. Putting you into an endless loop of drinking calorie-laden beverages to slake the thirst that the same beverages are causing.

TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

And the best of luck with all your efforts!


And the best of luck with all your efforts!


N.B.Remember:TOP TIP! Drink seven glasses of water per day.:-) The real inherent value comes from drinking more water.

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